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How To Protect Your Hair From The Sun1 min read

How To Protect Your Hair From The Sun1 min read

Summer is the time for sun and fun, so making hair care easy is essential. Just like our skin, it is important to keep in mind that it is absolutely crucial to also protect your hair from the sun. Excessive exposure to sun can easily make your hair dry, brittle, fade the colour, as well as make structural impairment to the hair shaft.

Protecting hair from further sun damage is not as difficult as assumed by many. The ideal product in our portfolio to prevent all this from happening is our best-selling RICH Argan De-Frizz & Shine Mist. This argan oil infused lightweight mist acts like a sunblock for the hair and should be applied before going to the beach and also re-applied after swimming to protect (and style) your tresses. ☀️